What To Know About Crooked Nose Piercing? (All About Nose Piercings)

getting nose piercing

Nose piercings are suitable for all facial structures. So, whether you have a button nose, a large nose, a crooked nose, or a straight one, getting a nose piercing will give you a new look. But remember, this thing can be painful and may cause some swelling. Keep reading to learn more about nose piercing, including some helpful tips for crooked nose piercing, as well as for other types of noses.

Nose Piercings And  Jewelry Tips for Every Face Shape

Nose piercing, also known as a nose-jewel, is the piercing of the skin or cartilage which constructs any part of the nose. Generally, the purpose of this thing is to wear jewellery.

crooked nose piercing

Some people find it delightful to wear some type and combination of nose piercings and body jewellery. Suppose you do not have any nose piercings yet. Then, in that case, this article still has information to guide you on which piercing for the nose can be most complimenting.

Wide Nose

In this type of nose, the nostrils might be more wide-set and observable. Because of that, septum piercings are best at extending out the centre of the nose. Simply do not go too big with the jewellery. Adhere to simple body jewelry or jewellery in silver or gold to help visually lengthen out the nose.

Narrow Nose

A conventional nose piercing is an ideal approach for people with narrow noses. Since a narrow nose is usually thin-walled and cartilaginous, styling the nostril helps make more width. A simple stud or hoop can really spruce up this kind of nose.

Small, Upturned Nose

A gemmed or jewelled nose stud is the ideal nose piercing for this type of nose. Generally, a septum piercing of this type can be overpowering. In fact, if the septum is exposed from the upturned nose, it might not be the most pleasing. That is why a traditional nose piercing is better for this nose type than a septum piercing.

Flared Nose

If you have flared nostrils and want to take the attention away from it, a double piercing on each side can be flattering. In any case, just keep it simple and elegant to truly make this look a winner.

Bulbous Nose

A septum piercing with a clicker or hanger is the ideal jewellery type for people with bulbous noses. In fact, it appears to be counterproductive. Yet, as far as some might be concerned, a septum piercing with a delightfully gemmed clicker can make depth and elegance at the tip of the nose.

Crooked Nose

For crooked nose type, knowing which side of the nose is off balance is crucial. For example, if you have one nostril higher than one side, a loop on a conventional nose piercing on that side can assist with offsetting the nose. In addition, know that it is better to use neutral tones such as rose gold to complement crooked piercing.

The Different Types of Nose Piercings

You are probably only aware of two or three kinds of nose piercings. Perhaps, you are guessing the septum, nostrils, and bridge. Nevertheless, the rundown of possible nose piercings includes the following:

  • Single nostril – A single nose ring  through the focal point of one or the other nostril
  • Double nostril – Two continuous piercings through the centre of one or the other nostril
  • Triple nostril –  Three consecutive piercings through one or the other nostril
  • Septum – Also known as bull piercing, the piercing goes through the cartilaginous wall that separates two nostrils.
  • High nostril – Piercing higher up on the nasal bridge
  • Bridge – Also called eri piercing, the piercing runs horizontally across the bridge of the nose
  • Septril –  A blend between the septum and vertical tip piercings
  • Vertical tip – Vertical piercing through the tip of the nose and septum
  • Austin bar –  Piercing that goes horizontally through the tip of the nose
  • Nasal lang –  It is a horizontal piercing type that goes through the nostrils and septum

Some piercings mentioned above, such as the septril and the vertical tip, need you to have the right vein, skin, and bone structure. In fact, the more elaborate the nose piercing, the more drawn out the healing time and responsibility on your part.

The Different Types of Nose Rings

In addition to the different types of nose piercing, there are likewise various sorts of nose rings you can browse. Your nose ring choices incorporate:

  • Nose screws: It is a stud or precious stone that lies on top of the nostril. Nevertheless, the unseen part is a screw-like that holds the piercing in place.
  • Fishtails: It is a customizable ring that can mould to almost any nose shape
  • Nose bones: This nose ring is similar to a nose screw but with a ball to secure its placement
  • Hoops: These are circular nose rings that come in different choices such as jewelled, beaded, seamless, etc.
  • Horseshoe or circular barbells: This ring features a half-circle shape which is most ideal for septum piercings and is available in various decorative options
  • Straight Barbells: This ring comes in vertical pieces with balls that screw onto each end. Straight barbells are ideal for septum, bridge, nasal lang, and other piercings that need a straight piece of jewellery.

Know that your preferred nose ring may not work with the kind of nose piercing you want. In addition, nose rings are available in various materials, including:

Getting Nose Piercing
  • Surgical stainless steel
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Implant-grade titanium
  • PTFE
  • Acrylic
  • Silicone
  • Acrylic

These things are the safest materials to use for nose piercings. Nevertheless, make sure you do not have any skin allergies before settling on the material you prefer.

What To Expect

Getting a nose piercing should not appear crooked when you leave the shop. Yet, over the coming week, swelling can cause it to appear skewed. In any case, do not be panic since swelling is a normal response to piercings as your body starts to recover.

Furthermore, as the swelling disappears, the piercing should get back to its usual form.

Tips to Reduce Swelling

Although swelling will fade all alone, this side effect can be painful. Fortunately, there are some simple tips to reduce swelling quicker.

Hands Off!

Avoid touching your new piercing and the surrounding area because the more you touch, the more prolonged healing takes. In fact, touching it can irritate the area and may prolong swelling.


Even though you have to keep your hands off, you still need to clean your piercing area. You can use chamomile tea to keep the site clean. And to use this, brew chamomile tea, then softly use the tea bag solution to the swollen part. Other than it can reduce swelling, this method can clean the piercing and relieve pain.

Furthermore, you can do chamomile soak treatment as many as you want. Simply ensure the temperature is warm yet not hot enough to damage your skin.

RICE Technique

Rest, ice, compress and elevate or best known for RICE acronyms, is an incredible technique to diminish swelling.

Rest. Getting enough rest promotes quick recovery. In fact, during the first few days of piercing, it is generally best to take it easy. Hence, while you are recovering from a piercing, ensure you have enough rest.

Ice. Using ice is a popular treatment for swelling or inflammation. Wrap an ice pack or ice in a clean cloth and then carefully apply it to the affected part. Ice can reduce blood flow to the area, soothing discomfort and reducing swelling. In any case, when using this treatment, make sure to leave it for 10-15 minutes at a time.

Compression. This can help reduce swelling, but this is not applicable for piercings. As mentioned before, it is crucial to keep your hands off the area. Hence, it would be best to skip compression.

Elevation. This method is another way to diminish blood flow to the affected area. For nose and ear piercings, this is quite simple since your head is typically elevated already.

Can You Re-Pierce?

If your piercing heals poorly or is done incorrectly, it sometimes requires to be re-pierced. Though it is the basic solution,  it is still an extended one. This is because you have to wait until the piercing heals and closes over to get it pierced once more. Suppose you get a piercing too soon. You may end up with a similar issue again.

Moreover, a professional piercer can provide an estimated timeline, yet you will probably need to wait at least 2 weeks. Meanwhile, keep doing the aftercare to advance quicker healing process and forestall infection. If the hole closes over an infection, it will cause significant new issues.

Get Professional Piercings & Advice

In conclusion, to ensure a high-quality, safe piercing, visit a reliable piercing shop.  Also, make sure that your piercing is done by experts. With that, you can get piercing advice and support that you can depend on throughout the healing process.

Moreover, if you are looking for the right approach to address your crooked nose, it would be best to see a trained specialist. St. John’s Health of Park Rapids offers a full range of services to promote better health. You can message us at this link https://www.sjahs.org/contact-us/ today to help you address your medical concern.


Is a Septum Piercing Painful?


Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future.


Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE).


Evolution of nose shape was guided by climate.


Ice Packs vs. Warm Compresses For Pain.


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