Does Tooth Sensitivity Go Away? (6 Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity)

Tooth Sensitivity

Sensitive teeth can make you hesitate to consume hot or cold foods and beverages. This is because you know these things can cause your teeth to hurt. In fact, sweet and sour foods or even cold air can also aggravate them. So, how does tooth sensitivity go away? Does this symptom indicate something? Let this article tell you what to understand about the different causes of dental sensitivity, including the various treatment options and tips to prevent them.

Different Reasons For Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity can be triggered by hot, cold, sugary, or acidic foods and drinks. It may come and go with time and is often due to exposed dentin on root areas. Unlike the crowns, the tooth root is not secured by enamel but rather cementum. When tooth enamel wears away, it exposes the nerves within the tooth, resulting in tooth sensitivity.

Furthermore, common causes of having sensitive teeth include:

Teeth Grinding or Jaw Clenching

does tooth sensitivity go away

Bruxism, better known as teeth grinding or jaw clenching, may happen because of stress, frustration, malocclusion, or a side effect of certain medications. This habit may cause sudden tooth sensitivity or tooth pain. In fact, numerous patients report frequent headaches or facial pain accompanying bruxism, thus resulting in further uneasiness.

Cracked Teeth

A fractured tooth or cracked tooth syndrome can cause tooth sensitivity and pain. Sometimes, a crack in the affected tooth is difficult to see. Treating a broken or cracked tooth usually differs depending on the positioning and size of the damage.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay occurs because of overexposure to acidic bacteria in the mouth that damages the enamel and dentin of the tooth. Although this common dental problem may appear to be an apparent reason, it remains a continuous and easy to overlook the issue for many.

Gum Disease

Gum disease or periodontal disease is another common dental issue affecting anyone. This condition may initially cause inflammation and redness of the gum line. If left untreated, gum disease may cause the gums to recede, exposing the tooth’s root surface, making your teeth sensitive to hot and cold.


A dental abscess happens when the pulp of your tooth becomes infected. This condition can cause fever, facial swelling, and persistent tooth sensitivity and pain. In any case, know that infection in your mouth requires urgent treatment.

Dental Treatment

Recent dental treatments like fillings can cause tooth sensitivity. This is because dental work can inflame the nerves within the pulp tissue. Nevertheless, the sensitivity after dental procedures should be temporary and disappear all alone after a week or two.

How To Treat Tooth Sensitivity?

Your dentist may recommend a desensitizing toothpaste if your sensitivity is not due to decay or other dental problems. This desensitizing treatment or prescription fluoride gel typically requires at least a month of regular use to see results.

In any case, other dental procedures to treat the underlying cause of tooth sensitivity include:

Tooth Decay

Your dentist will examine your tooth and may take an X-ray to determine if tooth decay could be the problem. To treat tooth decay, your dentist will remove the decayed part and clean it, then fill the tooth with either a tooth-coloured or amalgam filling. If the decay on your tooth is severe and destroys more of the tooth structure, your dentist may recommend a full-coverage crown.

Grinding or Clenching

Dietary and lifestyle changes may help ease these issues. However, using a bruxism appliance or mouth guard recommended by your dentist is also a great help. This dental device gives your jaw the necessary spacing and cushioning between and around your teeth, protecting your teeth from getting any further damage.

Cracked Tooth

If you have cracks around a filling, your dentist can repair it with a new filling or crown. However, suppose the damage extends into the pulp of the tooth. In that case, your dentist may perform root canal treatment before dental crown placement. Furthermore, if a crack extends below the gum line and into the tooth root, your dentist last option is to remove the tooth.


The dental or periodontal abscess is considered an emergency case. Hence, urgent treatment is crucial. Your dentist may give you antibiotics and drain the abscess. They may also do root canal treatment to save an abscessed tooth.

Surgical Gum Graft

Gum recession is the loss of gum tissue, causing the nerve roots to be exposed. If you have gum recession due to gum disease or any other issue, your dentist may recommend gingival grafting. This procedure helps protect exposed nerve roots and gives relief from tooth sensitivity.

Ways To Prevent Tooth Sensitivity

Prevention is the key to keeping your teeth away from pain and discomfort. Practising good oral hygiene and healthy eating habits can help prevent tooth sensitivity.

Dental cleaning
  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush
  • Avoid brushing your teeth too hard
  • Use dental floss or an interdental cleaner at least once a day.
  • Snack on fruits and vegetables as opposed to sweets and processed foods.
  • Cut down your consumption of acidic food and drinks, including carbonated beverages.
  • Use a straw when drinking anything acidic or sweet to limit contact with your teeth
  • Try not to hold the beverage in your mouth or swish it around.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Chew sugar-free gum after a meal.
  • Use a mouth guard if necessary
  • Go for regular dental appointments

When To See a Dentist About Tooth Sensitivity

It is always better to visit your dentist whenever you experience tooth sensitivity, even if you have one sensitive tooth. Early diagnosis and treatment can guarantee that minor issues will not become more serious dental complications.

A qualified dentist can determine the problem and treat it to eliminate the sensitivity of the tooth. Suppose you recently had a tooth filling procedure and the sensitivity or pain continues for a month. Then, it would be best to consult your dentist and get treatment for your tooth sensitivity.


Diagnosis of cracked tooth syndrome.

Periodontal Disease.

Overview – Root canal treatment.

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