Guide on How to Stop Receding Gums From Getting Worse

how to stop receding gums from getting worse

There is a chance that any one of us will experience bleeding gums at one point in our lives. It may be because of the food we eat, our brushing and flossing habits, or an underlying bleeding disorder. Whatever your cause to have bleeding gums, it is important to address it as soon as possible as it could lead to a more serious complication like receding gums, pain, and even tooth loss. What great is that times have changed, and there are many treatments and procedures that can address these complications. For instance, with regards to receding gums, gingivoplasty can be used to treat this condition. Let us learn more about receding gums, what causes this, and know how to stop receding gums from getting worse.

Receding Gums: How to Know you Have It?

You may have noticed that your teeth are now looking longer than usual, and typically have two shades of white, the upper part of your pearlies whiter than the lower.  Some may even see that their gums are looking more swollen and redder than usual, and it would sometimes elicit a sting when consuming hot and cold food and drinks. If you’ve noticed any of these, then you may be suffering from receding gums.

What Causes your Gums to Recede?

As a matter of fact, there are several reasons why you may develop gum recession. They may be considered different culprits, but all of them are related and connected to each other.

Advanced age. As we age, our gums pull away from the teeth, creating pockets that allow bacteria to thrive. If we neglect our oral hygiene, it would be easier for the germs to invade the gums and teeth, causing further harm, including gum recession.

how to stop receding gums dental habits

Poor dental habits. As mentioned earlier, if we are inconsistent with our brushing and flossing, the bacteria will grab the chance to attack and reside in our gums, digging deep into our teeth, causing infection and pain.

Medical-related conditions. If you have diabetes, the integrity of your blood vessels is affected. As the small veins and arteries in your gums become thick, the passage of blood to provide nutrients to it becomes obstructed, causing weakness and vulnerability to infection.

Periodontal disease. Gum infection, or gingivitis, is the primary cause and the most common culprit for a patient to have receding gums. As the germs destroy and invade your mouth, your gum tissues die and recede, giving the bacteria easier access to the teeth.

How to Stop Receding Gums From Getting Worse: Treatment and Prevention

What we need to do before considering this a dental dilemma is to make sure that you are really experiencing gum recession. Correct and early detection of your receding gums is the key so that you can have better chances of solving your gum disease even in the comfort of your home. The best way to do that is to visit your dentist regularly so that he can monitor your dental health and catch early signs of damage at once. Other ways to prevent gum recession that can lead to more serious periodontal disease are:

Maintaining good oral hygiene. Brushing twice daily and flossing once a day is the drill. Add to your daily routine the use of mouth rinses.

Keeping a healthy lifestyle. Smoking cessation and keeping yourself healthy will allow your own immunity to defend your body from any type of infection.

Watching what you eat. Nourishment gives you the energy and the right amount of nutrients to maintain and prevent vulnerability to diseases.

Using your dental products wisely. Wear a mouthguard if you are a teeth grinder. Know the best brushing technique and avoid brushing your teeth harshly. If you are wearing dentures, make sure that they are the right fit.

Treatment for Gum Recession

If you are suffering from receding gums, and you would want to know how to stop receding gums from getting worse, but would not want to risk catching the virus by going to the dentist, here are some natural home remedies you can try for the time being.

Oil Pulling. This ancient practice of swishing or gargling coconut oil inside the mouth for at least 20 minutes is said to remove gum recession-causing plaque and tartar buildup.

how to stop receding gums essential oils

Using Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Thyme, or Peppermint oil. Applying any of these essential oils have significant relief and healing effects. They also are known for combating disease-causing microorganisms that may cause gum recession or periodontitis.

Saltwater or Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse. For the saltwater rinse, mix a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. For the hydrogen peroxide rinse, you need to incorporate a quarter cup of both hydrogen peroxide and water. You need to gargle either of the two for 30 seconds. A cup may allow you to repeat this action for 3 to 4 more times. Do this two or three times a week, and you will see a difference in your receding gums.

Drinking Green Tea. Drinking a cup or two of green tea promotes health and provides a natural defence against infections and diseases.

Putting Aloe Vera or Turmeric Gel into the Gums. Aloe Vera calms the gingival swelling and redness, while turmeric is known to have effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Drinking Septilin. A herbal preparation that improves periodontal issues, Septilin is available as a syrup or tablet to be taken two to three times a day for healthier gums.

Taking Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements or Eating Food Rich in it. In order to fight gingival issues like gum recession, studies recommend taking omega-3 supplements as it reduces the gingival index, gum swelling, and therefore your gum recession.

dental procedures for receding gums

If worse comes to worst, and your gum recession cannot be contained at home, the next best thing is to let your dentist or periodontist handle the problem. Here are the most common ways they will address your receding gums from a more serious gingival issue:

  • Prescription of antibiotic medication and antibacterial mouth rinse
  • Recommend deep oral cleaning (more commonly known as scaling and root planning)
  • Gingivoplasty or gingivectomy (which can lead to gum grafts is necessary)

If you think that your condition deserves to be addressed by any of our latter recommendations, the best thing for you to do is to visit your trusted dental practitioner as soon as possible. This is to know how to stop receding gums from getting worse. No matter how obvious or discrete your gum recession is, it is still more important to catch it before it becomes any worse. Because if prevention is better than cure, then simple at-home remedies are far better than complicated and meticulous dental procedures.

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